Thursday, December 13, 2007

bake sale and tie-blanket

So I stayed up to a very late 3 am yesterday working on baked goods for a bake sale at work today. I wasn't tired so I just kept going. Total for the one day sale was a bit over 1800 dollars that goes to a gentleman I work with who is fighting Lung Cancer!
Merry Merry Christmas Gene!
Here is what I contributed:

I packaged People Puppy Chow, Raspberry Divinity, Pretzels with kisses in them, and these beauties: Chocolate Cherry and Pistachio Chews:

Here is a picture of some cookies my mom and I experimented with last weekend:
Yummy Little Almond Sandwich Cookies:

And tonight I made the tie blanket for the lady at work. It went very fast tonight. I worked on it from 7:45 to 11:00 with a break somewhere in there for a half hour.
And here is what the back looks like:

Yay, another project done.
Now I can relax and bit then pack for a trip to go see Baby Gracen up in the Twin Cities tomorrow.

1 comment:

erin said...

Oh, LisAnnie...I don't want you to move away!