Thursday, March 5, 2009

30 day shred day 2

Today I came home and pondered which workout to do this evening. I was googling "30 day shred" and came across a review of the workouts. As I read, what stuck out in my mind is the fact that the point of these 3 workouts is to do them daily for 30 days. The blogger said she did each one for 10 days. I decided to see how I would handle the second day.

Side note, I was seriously limping around work today. The more I could get up and move around, the easier it was to move, the more I sat the stiffer I became. Also today was day two without soda. I guzzled about 3 full water bottles at work alone.

So the verdict for round two? I didn't gag or feel like I was going to throw up! I call that a major success. I can remember thinking parts of the workout were much easier, and I stopped quite a bit less this time. Pushups seemed easier, so did the quad kicks and the jump rope. I'm still easing into squats but that will come. Overall I think my body definitely felt better than two days ago.

We'll see how the rest of the 30 days goes. I will have to figure out what to do near the end of the month where I will be busy and possibly away from the tv so I might have to really learn this routine so I can do it in my free time wherever I might be.

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