Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Quilt Retreat

Here are some pictures from quilt retreat...It is a little deviation from crochet, but it's quilting...which is still ok... I went for four day, Thursday through Sunday to a camp in the middle of Wisconsin and quilted all day long. It was a fun time and I can't wait to go back in November.
This is an image of my first quilt block I have ever made. I am making a fishes and waves quilt for our upstairs spare room.

This is a picture of one of the ladies from the quilt and what she was working on. It is a beautiful quilt she had seen a picture of and decided to make it. It's amazing for her second year at quilt retreat. I am thinking of finding something complicated and fun to do next November.

This is what I refer to as trouble times three, or the three amigos...they are the funniest women I have ever met. Don't ask what they are probably don't want to know.

Here is an example of how I was inspired at Quilt retreat. This was a Turning Twenty quilt that I loved the fabric of, and I was so inspired that I went out and got red, white, and black fabric to make my own.
This is the fishes I complete up on the wall where all complete works go at quilt retreat. When you finish, you hold your work in the air and people clap, and use clappers and bells, and then you hang it on the wall, it's inspiring to see all the works around you.

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