Monday, August 4, 2008

Dear I-know-it-all Consumer

Thanks so much for calling me today. I'm sorry to hear that your system will not power on. Let's walk through some troubleshooting steps today to see if I can help you get your system working without having it in for a repair.

What's that you say - you've done all the troubleshooting? What things have you done? You say everything? What does everything include? Oh everything from the website. Well I am glad you found our site usefull, however I don't have the site in front of me. Could you please humor me and tell me the things you've done.

Ahh you tried the AC Adaptor reset, good. Did you unplug it from both the system and the wall? You did - long did you let it set? Oh 30 seconds. Well lets try that reset again but let's keep it out for at least 90 second.

Hold on one moment ma'am...I understand your husband is the president of a hotel and knows how to do these things...but to correctly reset the AC Adaptor it needs to be unplugged from the wall and system for at the minimum of 90 seconds.

Thanks for your suggestion that that information should be listed on our website. Like I mentioned before, I don't have the site in front of me but I will pass that suggestion on. It's nice to know you care about our call volume.

Let's set up that repair,

Your friend Consumer Service Representative.

P.s. I checked the website and it indeed does say all of those things. Maybe there was a fluke accident where that particular snippet was invisible on your screen. Try again and please let me know!

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