Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Grandma Ellen

Today would have been my grandma Ellen's 98th birthday.
Here is a picture of her when she was young:Ellen Wilhelmina Olson VanDerWerf

Wasn't she pretty? Holidays always remind me of her. Especially Christmas when she would make each of us 11 grandchildren and the 5 sets of aunts and uncles sugar cookies with our names written in frosting on them.


erin said...

Awww...Grandmas are the best.
That's a lot of sugar cookies. And a LOT of work!
I have a long way to go, but I can't WAIT to be a grandma some day!
Thanks for sharing her picture. What a beauty!

kristi noser said...

She looks a lot like Tia, don'tcha think?